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Access Arrangements Training for the 2024/25 JCQ Regulations

Please find below a summary of the different courses we provide on the 2024/25 JCQ regulations, together with links for booking.

For those familiar with the access arrangements process:

The Communicate-ed Conference 2024 - Venue Courses

We are holding conferences in the following cities including EAA Update/Refresher training on the 2024/25 regulations:

  • Manchester - Monday 16th September
  • Birmingham - Tuesday 17th September
  • London - Wednesday 18th September

Morning Only £105 / Full Day £145

Venue Conferences info and booking

The Communicate-ed Conference 2024 - Live Virtual Conference

Our live, virtual conference on Friday 20th September, includes EAA Update/Refresher training on the 2024/25 regulations plus full day delegates receive 4 weeks access to 6 different seminars on a range of topics relevant to access arrangements.

£100 morning only // £135 full conference and seminars

Virtual Conference info and booking

JCQ Examination Access Arrangements Training (Update/Refresher) - On Demand Video Course

£85 || (SASC approved for 3 hours core CPD)
This half day course assumes a working knowledge of the JCQ Regulations and focuses on the changes for this year, set in the context of the changes over the past few years.This is available from 3rd September as an On-Demand Video course, giving 10 consecutive day access from whatever start date you choose.

On-Demand Video course info and booking

Using the JCQ Forms to record evidence for access arrangements 2024/25

£20 members // £25 non-members
A webinar with Caroline Read taking place on Monday 23rd September at 7pm that takes you step by step through the JCQ Forms for 2024/25 (8, 8RF and 9). Our Update/Refresher training and New Delegates training The Update/Refresher Training at the Conferences will cover the JCQ forms, but this ‘Using the JCQ Forms’ webinar is for those who would appreciate going through each form step by step in greater detail, something that we cannot do within the time constraints of other training courses because of everything else that needs covering.

Forms course info and booking

Introduction to the JCQ Changes 2024/25

A free webinar recording providing an initial overview of updates to the regulations. Nick Lait, Head of Examination Services at the JCQ presents the key changes for the 2024/25 guidance for exam access arrangements. This is followed by an introduction to the updated JCQ forms and a brief Q&A session with Nick Lait, Lia Castiglione (Castiglione Consulting) and Caroline Read (Communicate-ed). It is strongly recommended that you follow this up by attending a longer course which covers the changes to the regulations and the implications for practitioners in more depth.

Intro course info and booking

For those new to the access arrangements process:

JCQ Examination Access Arrangements Training (for New Delegates)

£135/£145 || (SASC approved for 6 hours core CPD)
This full day course covers the whole access arrangements process and is suitable for those new to the role.

Course delivery options:

  • On-demand video course - 10 day access starting whenever you choose (from 3rd September)
  • Venue course in Richmond, North Yorkshire - Friday 8th November 9:30am-4:30pm
  • Live webinar - Tuesday 12th November 9:30am-4:30pm

Full day course info and booking