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At Communicate-ed we are passionate about seeing people developed to their true potential. That passion drives our own training portfolio, but also extends beyond to many, many other situations and nations.

One of our core aims is to raise funds for charity projects which support educational and developmental opportunities, particularly for those caught in poverty in the UK and overseas. A proportion of any profit made from courses is donated, and money has also been raised through the sale of our resources (see ‘Resources’). We are happy to report that, to date, we have been able to donate over £1,143,000.

Since we were established in 2002, this money has been able to support a large number of different charities. Most of Communicate-ed’s charitable giving is through our charitable trust: ‘Links International: Communicate Trust’.

To read our policy document for charitable donations and Gift Aid please click here (263 KB pdf)

Here is a little about the wider work of our key charity partner - Links.

Links stated mission is to connect people, confront poverty and to create potential. They work with partners around the world to provide long-term sustainable solutions and lasting change. Examples of their work include training in community healthcare (CHC), micro-enterprise development (MED), education and leadership development. They also support partners as they set up income-generating projects and strategic alliances. Co-founder of Communicate-ed and senior course tutor Caroline Read has personally visited several of the projects supported in Africa and Asia. She monitors how the money has been spent and also often participates in development training.

Caroline helping to train a local committee of volunteers running a Links microenterprise development scheme in central Malawi.
Caroline helping to train a local committee of volunteers running a Links microenterprise development scheme in central Malawi.

Caroline and husband Andy training a new Microenterprise group in central Malawi and viewing pig-rearing project, where pigs are donated for breeding as food and income source.
Caroline and husband Andy training a new Microenterprise group in central Malawi and viewing pig-rearing project, where pigs are donated for breeding as food and income source.

Here is a list of other charities and projects supported by Communicate-ed (34 KB pdf)